The rashes are infections of the skin, causing a change in the color and fabric of the infected area. The rashes can be the result of irritation, disease or allergic reactions to food, plants, chemicals, animals or insects. Though not all rashes are contagious, some can be.
symptoms of rash or dermatitis may be some small red bumps that may cause itching or burning.
The causes of rashes can be many and varied. Some of the most common allergies to chemical elements present in the clothes, latex or rubber products, cosmetics, perfumes, soaps and detergents.
Other causes include dermatitis, measles and dry skin.
Natural Remedies for Skin Rashes
Apply olive oil on the affected areas.
aloe vera gel, vitamin E oil are very useful as natural cures for rashes .
use baking powder on the infected areas is another natural remedy for dermatitis and skin rashes.
Wash the infected area with chamomile.
Avoid scratching the infected areas and apply cosmetics or perfumes.
Diet for dermatitis
The properties in vitamin C help fight skin rashes.
Originally posted 2012-11-17 18:38:44.