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  • age related health changes

    Age-Related Health Changes

    Growing older is a part of life and can be scary at times. Our bodies change as we get older, and absorb the brunt of our experiences. With
  • Sexual Health: Impotence in Youth

    Impotence is a disorder that, contrary to popular belief, not only affects people of 'a certain age', but also young people. This condition, however, is not widely known nor
  • The most common sexual problems

    Sex has been so idealized in movies and magazines that sometimes, when it really flows, we feel a little 'alone and very misunderstood. Sex is not only made of
  • Diet for the bad smell of leather

    Bad smell of leather The smell of the skin is one of the most troublesome diseases. The unpleasant body odor is caused by what sweat glands emit. Symptoms of bad smell
  • Natural Remedies: Cure eczema

    Eczema  eczema , also called dermatitis , represents a group of disorders of the skin. Atypical eczema, irritant contact dermatitis, seborrheic eczema and discoid eczema are just a few of the types