The human body contains more than 150 bags. A bursa is a small bag full of fluid, and is located near the joints. Reduces friction between the bones and tendons, helping the joints to move freely. The inflammation of these bags is called bursitis . This causes pain during movement and breaks especially in the pelvis, ankles, knees, shoulders and elbows.
Symptoms of bursitis
Some of the symptoms of bursitis are the following: pain in the affected area, hardening of the same and most pain on movement of the body. In addition, swelling, redness, burning sensation.
might not occur any visible symptoms in cases of bursitis hips. The patient may experience pain in the hip.
Causes of Bursitis
The main cause of bursitis is repeated stress or irritation of the bag. Some infections can cause arthritis or bursitis. However, in some cases, the cause of the bunion may remain unknown.
Natural Remedies for Bursitis
Soak a cloth in the tea of Mullein and apply on the affected area. Repeat at regular intervals.
To reduce the pain and inflammation, apply ice on the affected area.
To prevent stiffness, apply lobelia oil on the affected joints.
Chamomile also helps to treat bursitis .
Originally posted 2012-11-17 18:27:38.