Early treatment of spondyloarthritis

Health Tips
Health | June 2, 2024 | Comments 0

Spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the axial skeleton (joints sacroiliac and spinal cord), although it may affect other joints. Over time can lead to permanent disability, hence rheumatologists consider important early detection. According to Dr. Javier del Pino , chief of Rheumatology Service, Hospital Universitario de Salamanca and moderator of the third edition of the IMAS project, early diagnosis will correct the clinical manifestations and get the patient “may rejoin a social activity and normal business . Also, stop the progression of the disease and prevent disability reaches that may appear in more advanced cases. ”

In this sense, the IMAS project, launched by GRESSER (Spanish Group for the Study of spondyloarthropathies Spanish Society of Rheumatology) in collaboration with Pfizer, and the backing of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER), aims rheumatologists offer Spanish courses for training in new imaging techniques in spondyloarthritis, which play a key role in the early diagnosis of the disease. In fact, MRI can identify lesions in the sacroiliac joint diagnostic up to 70-80% of cases.

Originally posted 2013-04-08 21:55:36.

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