
Treat depression with a positive attitude

Health Tips
Mental Health | June 27, 2024 | Comments 0

It is true that synthetic drugs used for treating depression are not at all free from side effects. Hence, it becomes necessary to seek alternative methods of depression treatment which will be more adequate and wise for overcoming depression. You would be surprised to know that one of these alternatives is changing one’s thinking, habits about life and its challenges. In simple words, it means incorporating the habit of positive attitude in one’s life.

Positive attitude is a habit of accepting first that there are number of problems and challenges we may be facing in our day-today life, but in order to beat them to avoid the inevitable depression that may result, we must think with mind-frame of success and victory in mind. When you use this for overcoming depression and challenges, you should forcefully saturate your mind with positive thoughts and affirmations in order to ward off negative pessimistic thoughts to over shadow your mind in the event of depressing situations.

Treat depression with positive attitude by always seeking good out of every situation. This may require real efforts from your side. First analyze the problems, ask why it may be happening, what you can do to provoke or prevent it from occurring, various options that can help to fix the situation and who you may turn to for help in case any need arises.

While treating depression through positive thinking, you can also seek spiritual guidance and help. You would be glad to know that religious and spiritual books like Bible, Geeta, Quran etc. contains lot of helpful affirmations which one can repeat manta-like in thoughts and speech with right attitude to deal with depression and to find the right answer to your problems. You must be thinking- is it quackery or magic? No. Your thinking creates your world. Remember: “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he…”

Some other things that one should keep in mind while using positive attitude for overcoming depression is to employ the proven methods of proper and healthy diet with moderate exercising in daily routine in order to achieve healthy body along with clearer and healthier mind which will be more capable of overcoming depression in a natural way.

In addition to soothing depression, positive thinking and attitude also provides number of other health benefits as well.  It has been seen that individuals with positive attitude were half as likely as their less optimistic counterparts to suffer from heart attacks or other heart issues. Even people with sunny outlook produce lower levels of stress hormones, in effect helping to protect them against various diseases. A 2006 study by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University found that people who are happy or exhibit other positive emotions are less likely to catch colds and report fewer symptoms of the illness when they are under the weather.

In 2004, researchers from Netherlands found that the highly optimistic people had lower rates of death from cardiovascular disease and lower overall death rates than strong pessimists.

Life isn’t as simple as we think. Many people are confused as to whether thoughts cause emotions or emotions cause thoughts. A person who has suffered from deep depression can tell you that no amount of positive thinking makes depression goes away. However, positive attitude help in certain situations- when depression is mild, when we are feeling a bit down, when we were previously unaware that negative thinking could make us feel even more worse than before etc. but some find the idea of positive thinking quite effective as it  cures them little by little. At times, we should allow our emotions to play out especially when our depression or low mood is caused by external event. In such as case, talking positively with others can be a big help to depression patients as their emotions and deepest despair can melt away just by talking positively with others who are there to help!

Originally posted 2013-07-26 06:32:05.


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