A callus is a hardening of the skin, localized in the feet or hands, and which extends in a subcutaneous problem. Normally the streets are small and painful.
Symptoms of bunions
Corns usually develop between two fingers or on the soles of the feet. They have a pyramid shape, with the cusp toward the inside, and are hard to the touch.
Causes of corns
Normally calluses are the result of pressure between the toes and the skin surface, when using improper footwear.
Natural remedies for corns
Cure corns with the liquorice
Licorice is one of the most effective natural remedies for calluses, especially in their early stages. Prepare a paste by grinding three or four branches of liquorice and mixing them with half tablespoon of sesame oil.
Treat calluses with lemon
Lemon is effective for the treatment of corns. Place a slice of fresh lemon on the infected part and leave it overnight.
Treat calluses with papaya
The juice of raw papaya is an excellent remedy for corns. Its juice is an irritant, so useful to treat them. Apply on the streets half a teaspoon of this juice.
Originally posted 2012-11-18 23:13:37.