Natural remedies hives

Health Tips
Fitness and Nutrition | January 31, 2025 | Comments 0


urticaria is a skin disorder that causes lesions throughout the body. Appears in a group and leaves pale red swellings. Once developed the swelling, may reappear in any part of the body. Hives can be triggered even if you suffer from allergies, and the size of his injuries may vary depending on the severity of the disease itself.

Natural remedies hives

Cold compresses

Apply cold compresses, and apply pressure with the same affected areas, is a great way to treat hives .

Magnesium hydroxide

Magnesium hydroxide is an excellent cure for hives . It is an alkaline solution, which helps to remove the sensation of itching.

Treat hives with herbal tea

Calm the nerves is one of the most important things to do to treat hives. Drink mint tea helps a lot. Also try chamomile and valerian.

Aloe vera gel

The application of aloe vera gel or vitamin E oil to the infected area twice a day is a greatnatural remedy for hives .


Oddly enough, the nettle is an excellent natural remedy for hives. Prepare and enjoy a tea by boiling two tablespoons of powdered nettles and adding honey to flavor.

Symptoms and causes of urticaria

The main symptoms are swelling hives, itching and sometimes pain. Appearing papules or warts all over the body, causing an annoying itch. It may be difficult to breathe or all’ingoiare.
causes of urticaria are allergies (often breaks out after an allergic reaction) and exposure to extreme climates. Urticaria is an inherited disorder.

Originally posted 2012-11-18 23:42:19.

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