Kelor leaf is the part that contains a lot of benefits. In general it can be consumed as it contains nutrients and high in protein. Squeeze the leaves can also be used as a cover wounds. Moringa leaves can be finely ground to powder stain remover and spots on the face.
Moringa leaf is a very good material for a variety of cuisines. In rural Moringa leaf is used as a mixture of vegetable acids or some kind of vegetable Moringa.
Here are some of the properties of Moringa leaves:
efficacy of Moringa leaves
1. Anti-inflammatory
Kelor has therapeutic because it contains calcium and phosphorus. The content of minerals and vitamins are very high compared to other vegetables. Not surprisingly, many foreign media called Moringa as a “miracle tree” or “Tree for Life”.
Moringa leaves from research mamppu inhibits NFkB activation and lower expression of tumor protein.
2. Lowering bad cholesterol
Excess cholesterol can stimulate various diseases. High levels of cholesterol triggered a less healthy diet and supplemented by psychological factors such as stress. Kostisol adrenal hormones and can trigger the production of cholesterol in the body.
research on Moringa leaves to prove, that the effect of the extract of Moringa can be comparable with the drug atenolol in lowering fat levels in mice. This research is carried out is also related to the role i2 sitosterol, bio-active compounds contained in the leaves of Moringa.
3. Overcoming Pain, Tired, Linu
moringa leaves contain a pterigospermin that stimulates the skin so it can function as a param manghangatkan. If moringa leaves crushed and dibalur will reduce the pain because it is an analgesic.
Benefits of Moringa leaves has also been proved by overcoming malnutrition in Africa.10 Years ago when we heard ethiopia certainly synonymous with hunger. But today thanks to moringa leaves along with UN and NGO programs able to solve the problem of hunger by the media leaves of Moringa and Moringa tree.