The psoriasis is a skin infection that despite being neither dangerous nor contagious, it is very painful and difficult to control.
cells takes 21 to 40 days to mature and rise to the surface, which eliminates the dead cells.In the case of psoriasis , the skin cells reproduce so quickly reach the surface and accumulate with the dead cells, forming a large plaque with scales accompanied by dryness and irritation.
Natural Remedies for Psoriasis
Sea water and sun
The sunlight is an excellent natural remedy for psoriasis : improves the condition of psoriasis as ultraviolet rays slow down the overgrowth of skin cells.
Aloe vera and psoriasis
Apply the pulp of aloe vera to the affected area is an excellent cure for psoriasis . It would be well to take three teaspoons of aloe vera juice daily.
Originally posted 2012-11-18 22:36:01.