How to avoid the effects of the time change

Health Tips
Health | May 27, 2024 | Comments 0

Tips from the effects of the time change

Time change generates negative effects on our health. Therefore, knowing how to avoid them will help us enjoy good health after the official time change.

Each year there are a total of two changes of official hours, one with the arrival of spring (takes place the last Sunday in March at 2 am), and after the arrival of autumn (takes place on the last Sunday in October at 3 am).

Not surprisingly, these are two changes in the European Union covered by Directive 2000/84/EC and the Royal Decree 236/2002 in Spain.

Thus, while it is true that in spring the clocks are put forward (when they are originally 2h 3h), on time is late autumn (so when are are originally 2h 3h).

Given that gains or looses an hour, it is normal that our biological clock is altered, so as to produce specific health effects (you can learn more about the consequences of the time change for health ), especially negative although they are generally transient in nature.

Tips to reduce or avoid the effects of jet lag

Although the time change is simply inevitable, yes it is possible to reduce their main health effects .

To achieve this, it is essential to follow a healthy lifestyle, based on a balanced diet , drink plenty of water and physical exercise daily or at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

It also will be useful the advice we offer below:

  • On car clock : for example, when there are four days to the time change, try to get up 15 minutes earlier each day, so that when the time change your body gets used to getting up earlier and not do an hour before will affect both.
  • Fast or slow your meals : about four days before your meals forward or backward a bit, say five or ten minutes each day. It all depends, of course, your job prospects or student.

What are the main effects of time change on health?

It is necessary to note that many of the effects that the time change on healthmay not feel entirely, so that if a person suffers from sleep disturbance, another can simply feel tired or have more difficulty concentrating (as you can physically feel more tired):

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Hormonal changes
  • Fatigue and malaise
  • Changes in mood: irritability, anxiety, depression and moodiness

Generally most of these symptoms tend to be transient, meaning that after a few days or even a week later, gradually disappear once our body gets reset your biological rhythm.

Originally posted 2013-04-05 22:58:13.

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