Bad breath and halitosis

Health Tips
Natural Remedies | April 6, 2024 | Comments 0

Bad breath and halitosis

The ‘ bad breath is unfortunately a very common problem, generally due to the presence of particles or bacteria in the mouth, due to poor hygiene, and problems with the digestive or bowel. Unfortunately, most of the people who are offended respect, are totally unaware of their problem.

Bad Breath: treat with avocado

An effective remedy to cure halitosis is the avocado. Effectively eliminates the intestinal putrefaction, which are a major cause of bad breath.

Cure bad breath with parsley

Parsley is a good medicine to cure bad breath. Boil two cups of water with various bits of parsley, chopped large. Wait for it to cool, and then filter it and use it to gargle several times a day.

Halitosis: treat with vegetable juice

All fruit and vegetable juices are useful for treating halitosis. Be consumed freely and frequently.

Diet to cure bad breath

The patients suffering from halitosis should take a balanced diet of seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits. In case of constipation, see our natural cures for constipation . Avoid foods with a lot of carbohydrates, such as sugar, white bread, eggs and meat.

Originally posted 2012-11-15 15:57:39.

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