Bone Diseases

Health Tips
Health | June 6, 2024 | Comments 0

The bones are part of the structure that keeps us strong. So we must take care of our bones that are weakened and lose strength, remaining fragile, as time goes by.

Among the diseases of the bones can be found:

– Fibrous Dysplasia. This type of disease is related to bone growth, due to the growth of fibrous tissue, bone expands more than it should,.

– Paget’s disease. Because not well understood its causes, could be considered as a mysterious disease. Broadly speaking, we can say that the bone tissue becomes inflamed.

– Scoliosis. Is a deviation of the vertebral column, being the most common curvature that is given.

– Herniated disc. Refers to the area of ​​the spine. This is a herniated disc that comes in the vertebrae.

-Osteoporosis. It particularly affects women over 65. This is a reduction of bone mineral mainly calcium . The bones become weak and can fracture easily.

– Osteogenesis. It is also often called crystal bones due to having strong bone fragility. This disease present in the bone marrow, is congenital, meaning that is present from birth.

– Marfan Syndrome. This is another rare disease or rare. Affects the structure of the bones, but you can also do to the heart, eyes or lungs. It is also characterized by increased bone length unusual.

Older adults, ie, the elderly, patients are more prone to these diseases, since the course of time and over the years, the bones are becoming weaker.

Originally posted 2013-04-12 19:52:22.


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