Health Tips
Health | December 13, 2024 | Comments 0

Hair Loss in children is a problem that is assuming greater proportions. Unhealthy lifestyle and internal body problems have caused the problem of hair fall to increase at a rapid rate in children. But thankfully there are various methods of hair restoration for children.

There are many cases in which kids experience hair loss at a very early age like 3 years. This is an issue of great concern. The first task is to diagnose the condition-to come to the root of the problem. If the cause is hereditary, there is nothing that can be done but if there are other underlying medical issues the problem can be addressed properly.

The main causes of children’ hair loss, are explained below:Capture

Poor diet: Lack of healthy diet is a cause for hair loss

  • Lack of hydration: Poor intake of water is also another cause.
  • Stress: Various pressures like studies and poor concern causes stress and hair loss.
  • Sudden weight loss: When induced by traumas like surgery or not, sudden loss of weight can trigger hair loss.
  • Medical problems: Medical issues like Thyroid dysfunction, Diabetes, nerve or blood problems can cause hair loss.

Instead of waiting for a long time, the hair loss problem in children must be treated urgently. You need to consult a qualified dermatologist at the earliest. Care must be taken to improve the diet and hydration of the child by the parents. It is important to diagnose the root cause and once that is found, there are choices of solutions to solve the problem of hair loss in your kid.

Another crucial factor is the kind of hair products used by the child. As compared to adult products, children’s hair care products must be mild and gentle for the scalp. If there is no allergy or illness of the scalp, daily or regular oiling and massage is advised. The crux of the solution is to diagnose the root cause of the hair fall, which can indicate the solutions to be adopted.

There are surgical and non surgical hair restoration procedures. For children who have undergone trauma (like surgery), follicular grafting is suggested. Surgical procedures for treating hair loss require the skill of a specialized team of doctors. Non-surgical methods are cheaper, easier to do, less painful and have a high success rate.

Non surgical means are mainly through hair toupees or hair systems. Some of the issues involved are:


The base: It is the foundation to which the hair is injected or tied. Today this is made of two materials- mesh or polymer or a combination of both.

Mesh is made of polyester or nylon to create fine hairline. It is very natural in appearance but does not last long. It reacts with body acids and wears out easily.

Polymers are made of silicone or polyurethane and try to copy the look of the scalp. These are used in places where hair pieces need to be attached. They are easy to attach and very durable. The demerit is that it does not have a natural look.


  • The hair piece: It must be made of a high quality human hair. Less expensive hairpieces are created out of artificial fiber or animal hair.
  • Attaching the hair piece: Attaching using clips are better than adhesive or glue which causes existing hair adjacent to the bald spot to fall away in clumps.
  • Avoid contracts: Don’t enter into any contract with any hair piece company, so you are free to go anywhere for hairpiece maintenance.

Author: She is a hair stylist associated with reducinghairloss. She contributes articles on hair care and hair loss. She has much experience in advising clients on hair care and hair loss.

Originally posted 2014-01-13 13:35:24.

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