Plants to relieve bone pain

Health Tips
Health | February 11, 2025 | Comments 0

Many people suffer from sore bones suffer due to various diseases that often can not be resolved definitively.

In cases in which pain can not be eliminated completely at least be enough to relieve the person can stand and develop their life.


Bone pain can cause in people:

-Symptoms of depression

-Low mood

-Trouble moving

-Irritability and moodiness

The medicinal plants are of great help to ease chronic pain. They can be used internally or externally.

Plants that help relieve bone pain:


-The willow white has natural analgesic which helps a lot in bone pain. Can be used in poultice with the bark of this tree as desinflama and reduces pain or infusion. Be taken as needed.

Tea-Drinking chamomile is very effective against inflammation that causes pain. It should take 3 infusions per day to achieve the desired effect.

-Heat a cabbage leaf and then apply it in the area where there is pain.

-Mix a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus in water and make frictions in areas with pain.

Oregano-infusion actually helps reduce inflammation and body areas thereby reducing pain.

-The of ginger is also very good for calming chronic bone pain. It can take up to 2 cups a day.

Bone pain is constant or persistent when it is very difficult for the sufferer. So you have to look for alternative ways to treat and often painkillers side effects when taken regularly.

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Originally posted 2013-03-18 14:40:38.

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