Tips for preventing fractures in elderly

Health Tips
Health | February 16, 2025 | Comments 0

Many people over 65 have a fracture in a bone at this stage of his life.Fractures are common wrist, hip, clavicle, among others.

There are several reasons why this type of injury increases in these adults.


The most frequent causes of fractures are:

-Trips and falls


-Fragile bones due to osteoporosis

-Lack of balance

-Cluttered environments or areas with steps, slopes etc.

Tips to prevent fractures in elderly people:

-A daily diet that includes dairy and bones to have more calcium and stronger. So a fall or blow to the injury is less severe. If it is necessary to usesupplements of calcium to supplement the diet.

-Regular exercise is very important because it allows the person is physically stronger and in a fall or bruise less prone to fracture. Besides even moderate exercise helps absorb calcium ingested.

-The shoe is a factor that falls so it should be comfortable and non-slip soles to prevent tripping or falling.

-The environment where the older person lives should be clear of furniture and things like rugs, carpets, etc.. obstructing the movement to not take anything ahead. Good lighting is also important as many accidents are caused by lack or low light.

-The bathroom is often a place where falls occur because the area with water slide can make the person. Slip mats should be placed so that the person stand on it or bathe seated to avoid accidents.

-If you have visual or mobility problems should be accompanied as long as possible when moving to prevent falls.


It can prevent fractures in older people but require help from their surroundings not only the elderly. 

A fracture in old age can be complicated for recovery so you should try to avoid them.

Originally posted 2013-03-24 16:07:41.

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