Feeding helps regenerate cartilage and body care

Health Tips
Health | May 16, 2024 | Comments 0

The cartilage is a vital component of the joints . For wear or damage these injuries are flexible tissues called cartilage.

The body areas most prone to damage joint cartilage are:







Proper care and diet helps the body regenerate cartilage. This regimen should include foods rich in nutrients such as:

– Vitamin C

– vitamin A

– Vitamin D

– Calcium


– Phosphorus


– Magnesium


The most recommended foods for maintaining healthy cartilage are:



– Legumes

– nuts



– brewer’s yeast




– papaya









– alfalfa


– wheat germ


Water consumption is also very important because it helps hydrate the joint cartilage. You should drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

Cartilage injuries are painful and can cause problems relevant joint mobility. 

Older people aged 60 years, athletes and people with intense physical activity are more likely to suffer injuries or problems in articular cartilage.

The supplements vitamin as shark cartilage are usually a good addition to a healthy balanced diet.

It takes time to regenerate and soothe injuries or wear on joint cartilage so it must be constant in the consumption of foods recommended above.

Originally posted 2013-03-23 17:21:39.

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