Natural Remedies for Dandruff

Health Tips
Health | January 7, 2025 | Comments 1


With the term dandruff refers to a skin condition for which some flakes are separated from the scalp and stop between the hair. This can be annoying when the skin gets infected.

Symptoms of dandruff

When you comb it or scratching the scalp, the scales fall from the scalp itself up to the shoulders and clothes. You may also experience itching or burning, while the scalp can become irritated by dint of scratching.

Natural Remedies for Dandruff

Cure dandruff with alfalfa seeds

The use of alfalfa seeds is one of the most important natural remedies for curing dandruff . Leave in the water for a whole night two teaspoons of soup these seeds, and then obtain a thin paste. Apply this paste on the scalp and leave it for about half hour, immediately after washing your hair.

The silt

Another useful natural remedy for treating dandruff is to use a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and brush their hair. In addition to making the hair shiny and prevents dandruff.

Cure dandruff with beetroot

The beet is considered an excellent remedy for the treatment of dandruff . Flowers and roots boiled in plain water, and then use it to apply massage on the scalp every night. We recommend especially the white beet.

Pumpkin as a natural remedy for dandruff

The pumpkin juice is very effective for the prevention and treatment of dandruff. Rinse the head with this juice.

Other remedies

You can massage your head for about half an hour with yogurt opened three days before.

Causes of Dandruff

The causes of dandruff can be linked to the general state of health, and the development of a toxic condition mainly due to the consumption of food is not correct, constipation , and a low vitality due to infection. 
Additional factors that may cause dandruff are emotional tension, shampoo acids and exposure to cold.


To treat dandruff is necessary to apply a balanced diet for about a month, based on fresh fruits and natural juices. You can repeat this diet once or twice a month, for three consecutive days.

Avoid citrus and fruit products in cans or pack. Avoid meat, tea, coffee and condiments too heavy.

Originally posted 2012-11-15 17:12:55.

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1 thought on “Natural Remedies for Dandruff”

  1. Dandruff is dry scalp, persoanlly, I fought it from the inside and out. I input more healthy oils in my diet like olive oil and coconut oil. Regarding thinning hair and brittle nails, Reloxe is a product that I bought to help with hair loss. It help grow back my hair and even made my nails stronger and skin more vibrant!

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